World Glaucoma Week 2024: Educate to Improve Daily Life, Encourage Testing to Avoid Blindness
Informative video-capsule presenting World Glaucoma Week 2024, an annual campaign that seeks to disseminate among the public the importance of regular eye exams to avoid the irreversible damage of glaucoma.
Latif K, Nishida T, Moghimi S, Weinreb RN. Quality of life in glaucoma. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2023;261(10):3023-3030. Approved Article: ""
World Glaucoma Week. This is World Glaucoma Week [Internet]. 2020 [updated 2023; accessed December 27 2023]. Retrieved from:
Safitri A, Konstantakopoulou E, Hu K, Gazzard G. Treatment expectations in glaucoma: what matters most to patients? Eye (Lond). 2023;37(16):3446-3454. Approved Article:
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Helium by TrackTribe from YouTube Audio Library